Presidential Decree (PF-158, 11.09.2023.) with the approval of the Uzbekistan – 2030 strategy and the presidential decision on its timely and qualitative implementation in 2023 (PQ-300, P.11.09.2023.) were accepted . According to the decree, the Uzbekistan – 2030 strategy consists of the following 5 priority areas and 100 goals:

  • Creating suitable conditions for each person to realize their potential; 
  • Ensuring the well-being of the population through sustainable economic growth; 
  • Water Resources Conservation and Environmental Protection; 
  • Ensuring the rule of law, the organization of Public Administration in the public service; 
  • Consistent continuation of the policy based on the principle of a” safe and peaceful state". 

According to the decision, from January 1, 2024: 

  • Educators of state preschool educational organizations will be provided with dairy, iodine-saturated bakery products enriched with protein, vitamins and minerals; 
  • As an experiment in the Koshkopir and Khonka districts of the Khorezm region, all elementary students will be provided with educational tablets, and in the future this experience will be introduced in stages in all regions of the Republic;  
  • To establish the activities of non-state general secondary educational organizations, banks are subject to the practice of providing compensation for loans of up to 20 billion rubles, the interest rate of which exceeds the basic rate, but not more than 1.5 times its cost. 

 From the academic year 2023/2024: 

  • General secondary educational institutions introduce courses to train students of 10th grade in professions; 
  • Presidential schools and specialized schools are designated as “base schools” for general secondary education institutions.